하다 meaning

8. Verb Conjugation 하다 (hada)

Verb Conjugation 하다 img

In this lesson, You will learn Korean verb conjugation 하다 which is the one of the most basic form of verb conjugations.To understand this lesson better, I recommend you to read Korean conjugation lesson first. Conjugations Korean grammar has 3 types of verb conjugations, 하다, 이다, 있다 (Some says it’s 2 without 있다, they consider … Read more

5. 해요(Haeyo) Style vs 하다(Hada) Style

Korean Speech Styles img

In previous lesson, You’ve learned that Korean grammar has so many speech styles. Today you’re learning about most important 2 style styles : 해요 and 하다. 해요 Speech Style you learned Korean with 해요 speech style and Korean grammar has many speech styles. you know 해요 speech style is most important for you. However, you … Read more