Korean basic

32. Conditional Sentence (if / When)

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In this lesson, you will learn Korean Conditional Sentence with conjugation -면. Conditional Sentence With -면 Korean conditional sentence is made by postposition -면. It seems like a new verb conjugations. And, Yes it is lol. It doesn’t seem like a new verb conjugation, it is a new verb conjugation for you lol.   Many … Read more

30. Can’t / Cannot

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In this lesson, you will learn the negative form of ‘can’ which is ‘can’t’ or ‘cannot’ in English lol. a negative form of ‘can’ sounds so fancy lol. Korean can’t Korean grammar has 2 ways to say ‘can not’. One is a negative form of ‘할수 있다’ and another is an unique affix 못 for … Read more

29. Can

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In this lesson, you will learn conjugations to say ‘can’ and show possibilities. 할 수 있다 : Can do 할 수 있다 is a Korean conjugation which describes the possibility or the future possibility. This conjugation really shows well how Korean grammar works. ‘할 수 있다’ is ‘can do’ in English.   Basic Form (하다 … Read more

28. Numbers Basic

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In this lesson, you will learn basics of Korean numbers especially Cardinals. Korean Numbers Korean language has 2 types of number. One is based on Chinese, Another is based on native Korean. I prefer to call it PURE Korean though. Because that’s how Koreans call it. How To Use Them Both are used in different … Read more

27. Negative

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In this lesson, You will learn how to make Korean negative sentences and understand conjugations better with them. Negative Conjugations So far, You’ve learned Korean has 3 conjugations for simple describing. It was ‘하다 (do, be + adjective)’, ‘이다(be + noun)’ and ‘있다(location / possession)’. Negative conjugations are different on each. Let’s see how different … Read more

26. Questions [Interrogative Sentence]

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In this lesson, you will learn how to make a question sentence in Korean and it’s super easy! Making Question in Korean Korean interrogative sentence is super easy to make with 해요 speech style. Follow next steps.   Make a sentence Add a question mark at the end Done Celebrate dance Now, make every sentence … Read more

25. Adjective Modifier

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In this lesson, You will learn Korean adjective modifiers and how to use Korean adjectives to modify a noun in a sentence. Adjective is Verb in Korean grammar In conjugation lessons and a lot of tense lessons, you saw Korean adjectives work just like verbs and learned it’s called descriptive verbs. Then, what do you … Read more

24. Adverbs

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In this lesson, you will learn how to make adverbs and how to use them. It’s super hard… good luck everybody… Korean Adverb Conjugation Adverbs in Korean grammar also use conjugations. Korean grammar has 4 types of adverbs. To be honest, Korean adverbs are super confusing even for Koreans. I really wanted to quit writing … Read more

23. Possessives

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In this lesson, You will learn Korean possessives such as ‘my’, ‘your’, ‘mine’ in English. Formal Korean Possessives Korean grammar has different possessives for honorific and non-honorific. You won’t have many chance to use non-honorific grammars since you are a beginner. So I won’t explain much for non honorific possessives in this lesson. Formal Possessive … Read more

22. Determiners

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In this lesson, You will learn how to say ‘that dude’. I’m kidding, and Korean doesn’t have a word ‘dude’. Anyway, today lesson will be Korean determiners. Position of Korean Determiners Korean determiner in a sentence is always placed before a noun. It’s same to English. Easy!   저 사람 That person That and This … Read more

19. Singular Pronouns

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In this lesson, you will learn Korean singular pronouns and the most natural ways to address other people.   Finally you finished Korean tenses and start another thing YAY. It was too long. I know. it was too long. Today you will learn Korean pronouns. Maybe you know Korean language has honorific and its is … Read more

18. Future Progressive Tense

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In this lesson, you will learn the most basic uses of Korean future progressive tense. YAY This will be the last Korean tense that you learn with super basic core Korean grammar. I’m pretty sure you can express almost everything you want to say by using a tense. Of course, it won’t be so easy … Read more

17. Past Progressive Tense

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In this lesson, you will learn the most basic uses of Korean past progressive tense. Past Progressive Tense Korean past progressive tense describes a thing that was happening in the past. In previous lesson, you’ve learn Korean present progressive and the way how it’s built is pretty similar to English. Korean past progressive tense is … Read more

15. Complex Conjugations

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In this lesson, you will learn how Korean conjugations work with deeper understanding and what complex conjugations are. Conjugation + Conjugation If you have ever learned any language which uses conjugations in its grammar such as Spanish, you will be quite surprised Korean conjugations is on another level. Korean conjugations can be combined with another … Read more

14. Korean Future Tense

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In this lesson, you will learn the most basic uses of Korean future tense. Simple Future Korean future tense is quite simple than other Korean tenses. It literally describes things that will happen in the future just like English future tense.   Actually it’s simpler than other languages’ future tense because ‘will’ and ‘be going … Read more

13. Korean Past Tense

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In this lesson, you will learn the most basic uses of Korean past tense. Simple Past Korean past tense actually has a lot of differences than English past tense. But for now, we will focus on its most basic use. It describes what happened in the past just like English past tense does.   저는 … Read more

11. Tense Conjugations

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Korean grammar uses conjugations to decide the tense of sentence, just like other languages do. You’ve learned that in a previous lesson and you will learn exactly which part decides it and how in this lesson. MUST READ You will learn how Korean tense conjugation system works in this lesson, not tenses. You will learn … Read more

10. Verb Conjugation 있다 (idda)

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In this lesson, You will learn 있다 verb conjugation.To understand this lesson better, I recommend you to read Korean conjugation lesson first. 있다 Verb Conjugation Korean grammar separates the functions of English ‘be’ into 2 pieces, 이다 and 있다. 있다 is considered as a variation of 이다 sometimes but we are going to learn it … Read more

9. Verb Conjugation 이다 (ida)

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In this lesson, You will learn 이다 verb conjugation. To understand this lesson and 이다 verb conjugation better, I recommend you to read Korean conjugation lesson first. Verb Conjugations Korean grammar has 3 types of verb conjugations, 하다, 이다, 있다 (Some says it’s 2 without 있다, they consider 있다 as a variation of 이다). Verb … Read more

8. Verb Conjugation 하다 (hada)

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In this lesson, You will learn Korean verb conjugation 하다 which is the one of the most basic form of verb conjugations.To understand this lesson better, I recommend you to read Korean conjugation lesson first. Conjugations Korean grammar has 3 types of verb conjugations, 하다, 이다, 있다 (Some says it’s 2 without 있다, they consider … Read more

7. Korean Conjugations

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It’s the last core grammar of Korean language. You will learn what Korean conjugations are in Korean grammar in this lesson. Korean Conjugations It’s hard to explain but I will try to make it simplest. If you used past tense, the verb would change like from ‘learn’ to ‘learned’. That ‘ed’ is a conjugation. Then… … Read more

6. Subject & Object Markers

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In this lesson, You will learn the most important and essential Korean grammar, Korean Markers. Korean Markers (Particles) Korean markers (also known as particles) are Korean post-positions which is same to English prepositions. However, the function and roles of markers are very unique than English prepositions. You will learn how Korean grammar uses markers to … Read more

2. Sentence Structures

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In this lesson, you’ll learn to understand Korean sentence structures and how to build Korean sentences step by step. Besides, you will see how different Korean language is compared to your language. Let’s take our first step into becoming a native Korean. Sentence Structures Korean sentence structures are built in a whole another way than … Read more

100% Natural Korean Vocabulary 2-5 : Acting and Directing

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In A Movie Theater Day 5 : Acting and Directing I’m not so sure today Korean vocabulary lesson will be soooo essential but I brought some words that are essential in the movie industry. If you are interested in Korean actor and actress or movie or k-drama things, then it would be very good to … Read more

100% Natural Korean Vocabulary 2-4 : We Love A Big-Ass Screen

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In A Movie Theater Day 4 : We Love A Big-Ass Screen Today Korean vocabularies you will learn are soooooooo different than your language even those words are so simple! I want you to open your mind always when you learn a language because it’s not just learning a language, it’s also learning a culture. … Read more

100% Natural Korean Vocabulary 2-3 : I’ll buy the tickets

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In A Movie Theater Day 3 : I’ll buy the tickets Korean has so many words for one thing. That’s tiring. I often wonder if Koreans really need all those words and yeah some people think same. This lesson makes me think about some really serious stuffs lol. It’s getting harder to make a fun … Read more

100% Natural Korean Vocabulary 2-2 : What Kind of Movie Do You Like?

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In A Movie Theater Day 2 : What Kind of Movie Do You Like? Everybody asks it at least once when you talk about movies. What kind of movie do you like? Asking about your favorite genre. Of course, Koreans are same. They make a same question for normal casual stuffs as you do. So, … Read more

100% Natural Korean Vocabulary 2-1 : Go To The Movies

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In A Movie Theater Day 1 : Go To The Movies Everybody loves movies and I think it’s essential for having a date with someone else, once at least. So, new theme for a new week is about movie! In this week, we are going to learn new 25 vocabularies that we can use in … Read more

100% Natural Korean Vocabulary 1-5 : So Korean Stuffs

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Snacks and beverages Day 5 : So Korean Stuffs Of course Korean has traditional Korean snacks or foods and it’s very different than what you normally see in your life. However, not many young Koreans enjoy it anymore because they got used to foods and snacks from foreign. I’m not so sure if it’s sad … Read more

100% Natural Korean Vocabulary 1-4 : Korean words based on Foreign Languages

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Snacks and beverages Day 4 : Korean words based on Foreign Languages So many Korean vocabularies are from foreign languages. It’s not so weird because the origin of many snacks or conceptions is not from Asia (And, Korea was influenced by Japan and America. it’s a long story. I will make a story about it … Read more

100% Natural Korean Vocabulary 1-3 : Popcorn Is Awesome

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Snacks and beverages Day 3 : Popcorn Is Awesome I really love popcorn. I can say I made today lesson only for popcorn. I really had to teach how to say popcorn in Korean. It’s popcon lol. Actually you don’t need to learn that lol but well, I love popcorn. Anyway! Maybe you will figure … Read more

10 Useful Basic Korean Phrases for Every Situations

10 Useful Basic Korean Phrases 1

10 Useful Basic Korean Phrases for Every Situations   in this lesson, you will learn 10 very useful but most basic phrases you can use in every situations for your traveling, chatting with Korean friends. Sometimes you can get a better service if you can speak Korean even it’s so simple when you are traveling … Read more