
32. Conditional Sentence (if / When)

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In this lesson, you will learn Korean Conditional Sentence with conjugation -면. Conditional Sentence With -면 Korean conditional sentence is made by postposition -면. It seems like a new verb conjugations. And, Yes it is lol. It doesn’t seem like a new verb conjugation, it is a new verb conjugation for you lol.   Many … Read more

31. Must / Should / Have to

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In this lesson, you will learn how to make Korean obligation sentence with ‘have to’, ‘must’ and ‘should’ in Korean. Korean Obligation Sentence English has ‘must do’, ‘should’, ‘have to’. However, They all are same in Korean. Korean language has only one modal verb for describing obligation in a sentence. Technically, Korean language doesn’t have … Read more

30. Can’t / Cannot

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In this lesson, you will learn the negative form of ‘can’ which is ‘can’t’ or ‘cannot’ in English lol. a negative form of ‘can’ sounds so fancy lol. Korean can’t Korean grammar has 2 ways to say ‘can not’. One is a negative form of ‘할수 있다’ and another is an unique affix 못 for … Read more

29. Can

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In this lesson, you will learn conjugations to say ‘can’ and show possibilities. 할 수 있다 : Can do 할 수 있다 is a Korean conjugation which describes the possibility or the future possibility. This conjugation really shows well how Korean grammar works. ‘할 수 있다’ is ‘can do’ in English.   Basic Form (하다 … Read more

28. Numbers Basic

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In this lesson, you will learn basics of Korean numbers especially Cardinals. Korean Numbers Korean language has 2 types of number. One is based on Chinese, Another is based on native Korean. I prefer to call it PURE Korean though. Because that’s how Koreans call it. How To Use Them Both are used in different … Read more

27. Negative

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In this lesson, You will learn how to make Korean negative sentences and understand conjugations better with them. Negative Conjugations So far, You’ve learned Korean has 3 conjugations for simple describing. It was ‘하다 (do, be + adjective)’, ‘이다(be + noun)’ and ‘있다(location / possession)’. Negative conjugations are different on each. Let’s see how different … Read more

26. Questions [Interrogative Sentence]

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In this lesson, you will learn how to make a question sentence in Korean and it’s super easy! Making Question in Korean Korean interrogative sentence is super easy to make with 해요 speech style. Follow next steps.   Make a sentence Add a question mark at the end Done Celebrate dance Now, make every sentence … Read more

24. Adverbs

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In this lesson, you will learn how to make adverbs and how to use them. It’s super hard… good luck everybody… Korean Adverb Conjugation Adverbs in Korean grammar also use conjugations. Korean grammar has 4 types of adverbs. To be honest, Korean adverbs are super confusing even for Koreans. I really wanted to quit writing … Read more

18. Future Progressive Tense

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In this lesson, you will learn the most basic uses of Korean future progressive tense. YAY This will be the last Korean tense that you learn with super basic core Korean grammar. I’m pretty sure you can express almost everything you want to say by using a tense. Of course, it won’t be so easy … Read more

7. Korean Conjugations

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It’s the last core grammar of Korean language. You will learn what Korean conjugations are in Korean grammar in this lesson. Korean Conjugations It’s hard to explain but I will try to make it simplest. If you used past tense, the verb would change like from ‘learn’ to ‘learned’. That ‘ed’ is a conjugation. Then… … Read more