50. The Final Lesson

You’ve learned everything to understand basic Korean grammar with Core Grammar and now you have a better understanding for how it works. And, this is the final lesson.

Core Grammar Final img

The Final lesson of Core Grammar

안녕하세요. 코리안 준의 준 선생님 입니다.
Hello. I’m teacher Jun of Korean Jun.
= Possession Of : 의


제 강의는 어떠셨나요?
How was my tutorials?
= Possessive My : 제
= How Question


Did you enjoy them?
= Question


여러분 노력을 칭찬해주고 싶어요.
I want to praise your effort.
= Formal Pronoun : 여러분


왜냐하면, 오늘은 마지막 수업이에요.
Because, today is the last class.
= 이다 Verb
= Present Tense


지금까지 모두 열심히 공부했어요.
You guys all have studied really hard until now.
= 하다 verb
= Past Tense
= Adverb Modifier -히


여러분이 지금까지 배운 것을 잘 기억하면,
If you remember what you’ve learned so far,
= Conditional with -면 (If / When)
= Postposition 까지


이 글을 모두 읽을 수 있어요.
You can read all text.
= Can : 수
= Determiner This : 이


여러분은 아직은 모든 한국말을 이해하지 못하지만,
You can’t understand all Korean language yet,
= Can’t : 못


지금처럼 계속하세요.
Keep going like now you do.
= Ask / Order with 하세요


이 글을 보고 있다는게 여러분이 좋은 학생이라는 증거예요.
Watching this text is the proof that you are a good student.
= Adjective Modifier -ㄴ


여러분은 무엇이든 잘해낼 거예요.
You will do everything well.
= Future Tense


제 강의가 도움이 됐다면,
If my tutorials were helpful,
= Conditional with -면 (If / When)


친구들에게 공유해주세요!
Share it to your friends!
= Postposition 에서


그리고 꼭 다시 와줘요.
And, please, come visit me again.
= Request with 줘요
= Conjunction 그리고


보고 싶을거예요.
I’ll miss you.
= Future Tense


다음에 다시 만날때까지 건강해요!
Stay well until we meet again at next time!
= Postposition 에
= Ask / Order with 해요

To my best students

Core Grammar was my first project for making a textbook. I started to write it to publish it but decided to set it free for people who can’t afford a class or a textbook.


I can’t be more proud of you after this long course for learning something and sincerely admire your passion for learning. Just like you made this, never give up and never stop for what you are dreaming.


But hey, It’s okay to fail, it’s super okay not being good at something. As long as you don’t give up, people will recognize what you are capable someday. You are so great as who you already are.


I’ll keep writing other courses and never stop making Core Grammar course better and funnier. I hope you can come visit me sometimes. 🙂 I will make you a native Korean speaker lol.


By the way, If you want to keep all tutorials free and help people to learn Korean with Korean Jun, Any helps would be very appreciated. Thanks again for being with me and Core Grammar course and wish only the best for you from my heart, very sincerely.
See you soon 🙂


Best wishes
Your friend & tutor


The National Institute of the Korean Language


표준 국어 대사전
The Standard Korean Language Dictionary



Jun Hamm

Author img

⠂Made in Korea
⠂Made of 100% Korean
⠂Adjusted as 100% Korean
⠂Ready to active Professor Mode
⠂Love to make people laugh as much as I love to teach

Hello everyone, it’s your Korean teacher Jun! Thanks for learning Korean with me! I really want to say I admire your enthusiasm and passion for learning languages. No one forced you to yet you are here on your own to expand your knowledge. I’m happy I’m a part of it ?

I spent years making all the tutorials and I really hope it’d be super duper helpful for you. Also, I should mention that this website has been possible thanks to so many people with a good heart. They are the second author of all tutorials! ?




This Course Was $15

$15, maybe it’s nothing that you can earn after a couple of hours of labor. Or, maybe you have to work for full days to earn it only because of where you were born. And $15, It’s the average price of Korean textbooks. Life is unfair. But that’s why we can help each other, we are helping each other.

This Is Why I Published My Textbook For Free

I didn’t make it possible alone. A lot of people helped me and encouraged me and, of course, support me. I really appreciate my supporters, Team Junicorns. If my tutorials are helpful or if you want to share the same dream, join the Team Junicorns and support me to keep going.

Contact / Follow Me

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Go Team Junicorn!

Why Korean Jun?


Super Real Korean

Do you really use some words such as ‘a little boy’, ‘lions’ or ‘carrot’ everyday? So, I’m not going to teach those.

The Magical POWER

The ancient magical language from the far far land. Learn Korean and it’ll make you look 500% more charming.

No Fake, No False

Some wise man in the internet age said ‘Don’t believe the internet’. However, in Korean Jun, any tutorial is triple checked! Accurate than any textbooks.

Build Korean Brain

Instead of forcing you to memorize words. I’m going to make you understand how Korean grammar really works. Learn Korean grammar triple faster!

Super Duper High-Quality

This is not just an internet free learning material. I spent years for the Core Grammar course.