Dropped Components
When are sentence structure or sentence patterns important in the Korean language? This is the secret hidden answer that you are looking for. Because we, native Koreans, make anything disappear. But, this is too powerful. Too powerful enough to make an accident that I made my self-esteem disappear. So, be careful with this mighty power. Galactic warriors. Now, I don’t even don’t know what I’m saying, said Jun, the Jiberish King. Nah, whatever, I don’t have self-esteem.
Dropped Markers in Korean Language
If you want to be more casual and really natural in the Korean language, then you shouldn’t skip this part. It’s about skipping things. Irony huh? So, you can skip using markers and it makes your speech more casual and natural compared to using all markers all the time. I taught you about markers in so much detail and now I’m telling you to just forget it to be natural. Double irony huh?
When you drop markers, sentence structure becomes more important because there is nothing that tells you which word is a subject or an object anymore. Also, you can drop all markers or just a single marker.
Leave a Marker
When you drop not all markers, the object marker usually drops and the subject marker usually stays. In this case, the sentence sounds like the subject is slightly emphasized.
It’s like sugar powder on a donut, without it, you don’t even notice there must be sugar powder on the top. But, with it, you notice it but don’t think it’s a big deal. It’s that much emphasized.
Sometimes, not skipping all markers sounds more natural. Skipping only object markers 을/를 can make your speech more natural than skipping everything.
However, no matter what, You shouldn’t skip indirect marker 에게/한테. That’s the only markers you can not skip because its position was free from the first time. It’s getting tricker and tricker. Couldn’t make it easier than this.
And sometimes, skipping any sentence components can sound weird.
Dropped Components in Korean Language
Now we are going to make whole sentence components disappear such as, ‘I’, ‘you’, ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘they’. But if we skip them all, How can we understand things? Don’t worry, I’ll teach you how to see unseen ones… lol. My explanation is getting weirder and weirder. BUT WHATEVER I SAID I HAVE NO SELF-ESTEEM.
Probably, you’ve learned some Korean phrases such as ‘i love you’. Yes, it’s ‘사랑해’. But haven’t you thought about where ‘I’ and ‘you’ are in that phrase? because 사랑해 is a single word.
Yes, it is a phrase in which the subject and the object are skipped. Very interesting right? But without mentioning a subject or an object. How do native Koreans understand the sentence perfectly?
It Works Like Pronouns
However, It has rules and is very tricky to use this grammatical function perfectly. It’s a very advanced level blah blah, cut the crap. That’s what I wrote before and now I’m going to teach you everything. Basically, skipping a whole sentence component is just like using pronouns in English. Maybe, this explanation isn’t enough. So I’ll show you some examples.
1st, in a simple sentence, usually ‘I’ or ‘we’ can be skipped.
A: 심심해요
(I) am bored
B: 저도 심심해요
I’m bored too
= ‘I’ is skipped in a simple sentence because it’s very clear whom A is talking about.
2nd, when you talk to a 2nd person about them, usually the pronoun ‘you’ can be skipped. It becomes way more natural when you ask a question.
A: 밥 먹었어요?
Did (you) have a meal?
B: 네 먹었어요.
Yes (I) did.
= The subject can be skipped in a question for the 2nd person. And, B answered without a subject because skipping ‘I’ is just like using pronouns.
3.nd It replaces pronouns such as ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘it’, ‘they’. Once after they are already mentioned in conversations.
A: 준 선생님 어디갔어요?
Where did teacher Jun go?
B: 수업 들어갔어요.
(he) went to the class
= Teacher Jun is already mentioned, So, ‘he’ can be skipped.
Abbreviation in Korean Language
Just like English, Korean language has abbreviations. It doesn’t change the nuance or meaning but is often used for convenience. Sometimes when you don’t abbreviate, it makes an emphasis.
저는 = 전
저를 = 절
거를 = 걸
Pronouns can be commonly abbreviated just like English. It happens only when the word before a marker has no batchim (final consonant).
공부를 = 공불
준씨는 = 준씬
And proper nouns or nouns can also be abbreviated. However, it’s more common in the speaking Korean language than in the written Korean language.
Ok ok, we learned enough about sentence structures and stuff. Then how we make a real sentence with tenses? Let’s jump into the next tutorial and find out! Also, if you enjoyed this tutorial, join us in Patreon!
All tutorials was possible thanks to
- Nadine C
- Za
- Paul
- AnneL
- Starvro
- Chris M
- Emily M
- Carly Sisson
- Lev Izraelit
- Tuoc Phan
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